Grep binary

Short note: One of my script that uses grep broken down in the last week:

Log4Shell part two

I did not have much time to get to the log4j exploitation part.


Okay, at this point you already have heard of the new hot shit in the infosec: Log4shell or CVE-2021-44228.

Hugo Drafts

One thing that turn a bit of a show stop is the hugo server, there were some changes made in hugo that breaks my template, I guess.


Some days ago, we had an interesting discussion about Galois/Counter Mode (GCM).

I’ve created a docker-compose.yml file for to run draw: restart: always image: fjudith/drawio ports: - "${IP_ADDRESS}8180:8080" depends_on: - nginx-proxy environment: - VIRTUAL_HOST=draw,draw.


In my understanding, talent does not matter. Most people who do a thing do not have any of it.

Almost 100 Days of writing

To the beginning of this year I’ve decided to write more for this blog and since then, the end of 2021 is coming to a close.


Today, my bike was stolen. Technically, it was stolen some time ago, but I just learned about it today.


This is kind of my first blog post in ages. Technically, I’ve composed some more in between, however, much of them were really just halfhearted.