Tag Software

What I Have Learned Today

Today, I have learned that the ‘Carbon’ Daemon of graphite is not able to handle encryption for incoming data.

MySQL to Postgresql

I dislike MySQL. I never did like it, since Oracle bought Sun it starting to become more then just disliking it. I prefer to work with Postgresql. I want to migrate some of my MySQL DB to Postgresql.

How to deploy wsgi with apache

Related to the previors Post, i hade now to apply from virtualenv to a apache webserver.

Bulding a virtualenv

virutalenv Virutalenv is a python program that allows you to create system separate container with an own version of python/pip.

Enable remote access for PostgreSQL

Remote access to a Postgtres Database In the last days i have worked a lot with PostgreSQL.

Howto fix libgeos_c.so not found

I'm working with Python Django and PostGIS. When i try to add the Geo support to the Project, i hit this error message: OSError: /usr/local/lib/libgeos_c.


I'm currently moving our old svn repositories to git. There a lots of reason to do this.

How to monitor MonogoDB with Nagios

    I need some Monitoring for Nagios3 of my MongoDB.

Gentoo migration to Gnome 3.2

Currently is there no developer for compiz in Gentoo. That is a problem, it has bug and no one is fix them.

[Gentoo]Jetty with a .WAR file

Jetty with a .WAR file In my company i currenly have a lot to do with Scala Lift.