Moving the Blog to GitHub

I’ve decided to move my blog to GitHub temporary. Because I miss the time to maintain the underlying infrastructure and make the changes that, I feel, are necessary to remain in a good state.

The migration is super simple. Create a GitHub repository with your Account name and point your subdomain via a CNAME to it. Verify your domain via a TXT field and you should be good to go. Obviously, you have to commit your HTML files into the repository.

Only the DNS migration takes longer until it is propagated through the DNS. There might be some hiccup regarding the TLS certificate. It takes some time until Let’s Encrypt picks up the change. But it’s only a matter of time, I think.

Reflecting on this change, it hurt a bit. I always valued running my own infrastructure. It made you quite immune to all the turbulences many cloud services had. Since you just have a simple VM with a webserver running.

But this infrastructure requires some love from time to time. And so does the Operating System. Because the underlying Debian is turning older, I would have to migrate it away. This also affects my mail setup, that requires a fresh installation and I didn’t stay up-to-date with the technologies. And while I feel like that this is very little time to spend, I just can’t spare it at the moment. Lastly, I wanted to change my Let’s Encrypt setup. But this requires additional infrastructure that I cannot bear to run right now.

When my life has stabilized and have a bit more headspace to afford running infrastructure, I’m going to migrate once more. Just for the moment, it’s the best solution.

best regards,