Review CW13

Happy Easter everyone!

The past week was rather low in activity due to my health and the health of other around. My health is almost recovered, and I got back to fix things.

The good news is, that my infrastructure to run the CI/CD has returned. There are some posts in the pipe about some of the problem I’ve faced during the process.

Next week I’ll post about this. However, the change in the infrastructure will more overhead. At the moment I have various services that requires some sort of login. I need to harmonize these logins with an LDAP. This is a subject that is on my to-do list for some time now. It is part of the hardening and I do not like to have services with sensible data unhardened on the internet. While at the moment i do not expose anything’s, I’m going to update the threat model and make the necessary adjustments.

So far,