Review CW3

Yesterday was the first day I did not push a blog post because, I took a break. This was done deliberately, posting everyday is quite exhausting… However, writing becomes smoother, I think. I did not go much feedback in the last days, but I think the topics were a bit less insightful then the week before. Besides, did not share that much over social network this week.

I started to split big topics into smaller posts. This way I just write one or two paragraphs about a subject and then I move over. For this week I want to have themes for everyday, this way I’m more focused on that topic and be more constant overall.

The open topics are:

The rust topic is the new one and I already have the initial draft for the problem situation ready. I currently struggle to find good time to focus more deeply on a topic. Hence in the moment I’m only working down my todo list with texts bit by bit about some subjects.

so far,