
I’m a big rust[0] fan. It is difficult to argue why, but most likely because of feels quite alright.

I have a good intuition and rust does do everything the right way. It is similar to C, but does not share it friction. When learning C it always felt complicated. Error messages made little senses and you become busy more with the tool landscape around than actual programming.

Additionally, you’re responsible for the memory management. Which implies that unless you known exactly how, you’re going o introduce memory corruption bugs. Modern C++ does help a lot to mitigate it, however, I’m unsure if it is able catch it all.

While rust does imposes also memory management onto you, it’s implication are almost free of memory corruption bugs, but without the disadvantage of a huge infrastructure like a garbage collector.

Interpret language always had a biter sweet side effect. There are deadly simple, but I often feel like that there are not that effective computing wise. You always have to pay much more overhead. That’s what I love in rust, you pay only for what you get.

so far,
