Category Review

Review CW16

This post is a bit late, however, better than missed out.

Review CW14

This last week was suffered the typical post-easter slowness. It takes some time to get back to business as usually.

Review CW13

Happy Easter everyone! The past week was rather low in activity due to my health and the health of other around.

Review CW11

Currently, I’ve halted most of these project to favor to get my CI/CD back.

Review CW10

Another week has gone by, and I did not get that much done as I was hoping for.

Review CW07

This week was the worst in terms of writing. This is to the fact, that I had to care for someone and wasn’t able to take the time I needed for writing.

Review CW06

Oh, boy this was a troublesome week. I quite got lost in clean up and some rather emotional topics.

Review CW5

This week was very difficult in writing. I’ve got lost in the details and then there was life.

Review CW4

This week the first difficulties in writing every arise. Basically, I’m missing the necessary time to get things done.

Review CW3

Yesterday was the first day I did not push a blog post because, I took a break.